When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

A Suggestion Concerning Fear

The term “reborn” has been employed poorly if not down right incorrectly so often that its true spiritual meaning has become obscured. Living on the Spiritual Basis we now see that all external happenings are but passing shadows of no permanent importance. We have come to hold in our heart of hearts that to dwell in the Presence of Divine light and knowledge as the only true escape from our “enemies” (negative thinking/morbid reflection) and “foes” (fear and doubt of every stripe). When our consciousness rises to this level, we carry the message of His love and guidance into all our affairs, responding to all seeming trouble with “my heart shall not fear, thy will be done” and we are free, We are reborn in Spirit. With this spiritual key in hand, understanding who our true foes and enemies are, now would be an appropriate time to visit the 27th Psalm, just a suggestion.
© Vincent Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Law Of Attraction, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

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