When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Buns Of Steel And Fools Gold

Rarely does a week pass without some new self help book with all the answers starts making the talk show rounds or the diet to end all diets splashes across the cover of one of those magazines by the checkout counter. Then there is the miracle food/supplement or some new revolutionary piece of exercise equipment that will provide the perfect body IN ONLY 20 MINUTES 3 TIMES A WEEK! appears on an infomercial. Admit it; just like me, you have been tempted. But will drinking some berry juice really change my life or a three-day seminar addressing all of life’s questions the answer and who wouldn’t want a flat sexy tummy or buns of steel IN ONLY 20 MINUTES 3 TIMES A WEEK! Like a wise man once said: if it sounds too good to be true, it is.

Salesmen and marketing executives peddle fools gold to separate us from our money, that's their job but unlike banking on that unrealistic shortcut to six-pack abs, Living on the Spiritual Basis provides a pearl beyond price for it is the shortest road to the peace and sense of true freedom each of us crave deep down. “Simple but not easy, a price has to be paid.” That price is the surrender of self and our focus on selfish things. When we shift our focus to the Presence of God within, where true gold is found, we begin to experience the Truth of Being, finding our true place in the fabric of the miraculous. Perhaps I am too cynical and ultimate awakening or abs of steel are just a credit card and a phone call away, operators are standing by, but as the old prospector remarked to the greenhorn about fool’s gold: “When you think you have found gold you probably have not; but when you do find it, you will know it for certain.”
© Vincent Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, Road Less Traveled, NOTW, Law Of Attraction, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

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