When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Demetrius And Diana

The silversmith Demetrius made his living off making shrines to the goddess Diana. When the apostle Paul brought the Christ message to his town many began turning away from worshiping the goddess. Demetrius and his fellow businessmen found their livelihood at stake, for without Diana worship they were out of business, so he and his fellow craftsmen began shouting “Great is Diana” in an attempt to stem the tide embracing the new path. They took this action not out of any real spiritual belief, but belief in their pocketbooks, motivated by fear, not faith.

Trusting in God is simple but not easy. We are consistently bombarded by hand-wringers and fear spreaders at every turn, the one thing they all share is the secular basis of living, not the spiritual. The silversmiths didn’t really trust Diana to deliver them, if they did they would have quietly prayed to her and trusted, so they they had to take matters into their own hands, trusting secular action over faith based demonstration. 

The promise of Living on the Spiritual Basis is by trusting and relying on the one true source, God, all questions of living will be answered and we will be provided with everything we need to grow and prosper. God is either everything or else He is nothing, what is our choice to be?  So to be truly free, we must be about God’s business, demonstrating the infinite over the finite and resist the fear based urge to shout our version of "Great is Diana."

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