When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Life's Rough Patches

      When we are in “it” our perception of our world becomes skewed, often to the extreme. A wise man said to me long ago “Everyone spends time in the barrel.” The problems start in earnest when we start to believe that the “barrel” or the rough patch we find ourselves in at the moment is permanent. “Seasons of dryness” happen to all, the reason why of little importance, the action we engage in when we become aware paramount. The typical response, and unfortunately direction given by many well intentioned but mistaken advisers, is to “redouble” ones efforts, when the opposite is true. When driving if we come upon a bad patch of road, one of the signs invariably directs us to “slow down.” We are never directed to speed up, drive harder or redouble our driving. The same holds for the spiritual road. We don’t struggle or try to fight our way through, we surrender, relax, for this too shall pass.

      To be clear, action is required, so we pray but keep it simple. In times of trouble simply “God is with me” is a powerful prayer, and is sufficient if it is all we can muster in the moment. What matters is our willingness to continue praying, placing the burden on God’s shoulders, for it is too much for us. By keeping our gaze focused on Him who has all knowledge and power, in time, just as with stretches of bad road the trouble will pass, the road smooths, the ride stabilizes and our gaze shifts from the roadbed back to the unlimited horizons before us. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Vince!
    So true. We were just discussing "Let go and let God" as the topic of a meeting yesterday. I talked about the line in the AA book that says we should relax and take it easy when faced with indecision. When I am disturbed, the answer for me is to relax and take it easy and say a short prayer to God. The feeling usually passes quickly after that.
