When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Boss Universal

     Some time ago I viewed a Far Side cartoon depicting a group of archeologists examining a single fossilized bone. By the last panel, they had extrapolated the most outrageous, impossible looking creature from this single bit of evidence. We routinely do the same thing with our future. When we lack spiritual awareness, we “view” the future with a limited perspective, routinely incorporating the negative, the fear basis of living dominate. 

    Without spiritual vision our future lays out as dark, with intermittent pain and suffering, our most potent adversary fear boss universal. When we choose to live on the new basis, the Spiritual Basis, our consciousness grows and our perspective expands, our truth of being becomes clear. A future disconnected from peace and serenity, of prayers seemingly unanswered, fear dominate, will take on a new clarity that only spiritual sight can provide.

    Living on the new basis we learn, with practice, to avoid the trap of projecting negatively into the future, so does this mean we should never look to the future or make plans? Of course not, Living on the Spiritual Basis we make plans but do so in spiritual light, the light of God‘s guidance, for we have turned our will and lives over to His care. We plan but live one day at a time, rejecting the insistent onslaught of our greatest adversary fear. By living on this basis, the Spiritual Basis, all becomes clear in good time, for God and good are synonymous

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