When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

One Of The Keys Of The Kingdom

The true key of freedom is forgiveness. The reason for this is simple: “You do this, not for the other person’s sake, but for your own sake.” Can you think of a single spiritual teacher that has not made this point? Without forgiveness no real spiritual progress can ever be made. When we fail to embrace forgiveness we lock ourselves into a circular route that inevitably leads back to the same difficulties clothed in different garb, again and again. Living on the Spiritual Basis requires forgiving not only in word and in our actions, but in our heart, breaking the cycle, but how?

When we hold onto an old hurt, justifying the feeling for any reason, we chose to stand outside the sunlight of the Spirit, placing ourselves in the shadow of resentment and fear. By embracing justified anger our thinking becomes stale, stagnant and unhealthy, by throwing open our heart to forgiveness we are rejuvenated. The course here is clear; when these negative thoughts appear in our consciousness we immediately treat them with prayer asking to be shown if there is anything we can do to be of service to the person we are seeking to forgive. By becoming willing to be of service to those who offended sets us free. To be very clear, God will never place us in a position to be harmed if we are about His business, so forgive free of  the fear of being harmed further. By taking the contrary action to what the World and our carnal mind would have us do, we raise our consciousness and stand in the sunlight of the Spirit, clean, rejuvenated and free, the Law of Forgiveness fulfilled.

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