When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Thursday, July 25, 2013


In 1919 the Constitution of the United States was changed, amended, to make the consumption and possession of alcoholic beverages illegal. Now take a moment and consider that. It is a monumental task to change the Constitution, requiring 2/3 of the Senate and House to pass it and then 3/4 of States have to approve it, in 7 years or less! Then, in 1933 the Constitution was changed again to nullify the previous change and make liquor legal again! As you can well imagine it made for some interesting battles on the editorial pages of newspapers. Imagine if talk radio had existed!

The Lord’s Prayer is the amendment establishing our true relationship with “Our Father.” Many within the religious community seem to have missed the memo, that this teaching supersedes all that came before, the essential nature of our relationship with God explained fully. Emmet Fox adds succinctly: “At a single blow this teaching of Jesus swept away 99 percent of all the old theology, with its avenging God, its chosen and favored individuals, its eternal hell fire, and all the other horrible paraphernalia of man’s diseased and terrified imagination.” The Lord’s Prayer states clearly and forever that God is All-Powerful, All-Present, Eternal, the loving Father of mankind who heals, loves and guides His children. Unlike the Constitution that is subject to the capricious will of man, the old theology has been amended, by God, superseded forever.

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