When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Dropped Toast

 “But we must be careful not to drift into worry, remorse, or morbid reflection.” Times when we have been hurt or the times when we were not at our best or memories of just plain old screw ups are all relatively easy to dredge up, but those times when we were at our best, when we did the right thing (which in truth is the vast majority of the time) takes real effort to bring into our consciousness. Additionally when we do focus on the positive that negative little voice in our minds eye typically chimes in with its two cents to downplay it, curious how the reverse doesn’t regularly occur. It seems the old newspaper maxim holds true in our consciousness as well: if it bleeds it leads. We do not, cannot control the thoughts that float up into our consciousness but we have full control over how we deal with them. Incorporate the golden “5 second rule” (you know, the dropped toast rule) into your thinking. When you become aware of negative thinking, of morbid reflection raising its head, within 5 seconds of becoming aware turn your attention to the positive, place the Presence of God where the negative appears to be, refusing to entertain it. Do not be discouraged if initially this is a bit of a struggle; just remember to be gentle with yourself in thought and deed. In time this will become habit, second nature. Soon you will not only note that your overall thinking has become more upbeat but you feel better and the people around you seem to be more upbeat as well. To be clear: If we wish to reap the positive, which is our spiritual birthright, we must sow positive thoughts. As with any garden, when we see a weed, we pull it, giving the crops we wish to harvest room to grow and flourish, not only enriching us but the world as a whole, for in truth, everyone and everything is connected. 

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