When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


The Tower of Babel story teaches some interesting lessons. Humankind was of a single language but when they spoke of God, they were faithless. So they came together on the plain of Shinar and began constructing a great city, a testament to man’s, not God’s greatness. At the heart of the city was the tower. This tower was constructed of “bricks like stone” for it was being built not only to last, but to reach Heaven itself. God, in His infinite wisdom reached down and scrambled their language, making it impossible for them to continue working together, so they scattered, leaving the tower and great city unfinished. Hubris aside, what else does this lesson teach?

Consider the moments throughout history when men have come together in secular (though very often wrapping themselves in God) common cause. The resulting purges, revolutions, crusades, jihads, wars and persecutions lead to, arguably, more death and destruction than all “natural” disasters. The argument can, and accurately, be made that many of these things happened to stop or address a greater evil, that if arms were not taken up a greater injustice would have taken place, history, and God, being the final judge.

Even so, clearly man has been employing the same secular answers (though often laying them at God’s feet) and reaping the same results since the days of Shinar. War has yet to stamp out war; Persecution leading only to new generations of persecutors and victims; Prejudice, of all stripes, teaching another generation to prejudge, to marginalize. We cannot get sick enough to cure one person. No amount of hate will ever create love or understanding. We cannot get poor enough (materially) to help those in need. 
Living on the Spiritual Basis, we take a different tack. Today we choose to live on the basis of trusting and relying on God. To be clear: Does this mean that we bury our heads in the sand, oblivious to this world’s realities? To leave our homes unlocked, our children unprotected, offering our neck to any who would threaten us? Without equivocation, no. Continue to protect and stand for those who are incapable of protecting themselves, keep good locks on your doors, stay informed and involved in the issues of the secular world, for the rain falls on the just and the unjust equally. Living on the Spiritual Basis has nothing to do with a Polly Anna approach to living; in fact, it is the opposite. It is not the way of weakness, but is in fact the only true path of strength. The Great Carpenter said the meek shall inherit the Earth, being meek before God is to honor Our Father, it does not mean that we become servile or scrapping. 

Living on the Spiritual Basis, standing in the light, the world needs what you have to offer, in truth Practicing the Presence of God demands it of us. The truth will set you free. Wear your faith as a loose garment, but wear it all your days, demonstrating it in all your ways, the Adversary, fear, be damned.

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