When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Friday, May 4, 2012


Genesis: n

 beginning: the time or circumstances of something’s coming into being. (Encarta)

New beginnings. We have had and will have many in our lives: moving out from our parent’s home, going away to school, first job, new job, marriage, divorce, becoming a parent, etc. Though all are remarkable, the greatest of these however is the day we choose to live on a different basis, the basis of trusting and relying on a Power Greater Than Ourselves. This conscious decision to Live on the Spiritual Basis closes the chapters of our lives lived on self-propulsion and self will and opens the new, for we are in fact “reborn”. Our rebirth into the light is brought about in pain, just as our physical birth, made all the more difficult because we are fully conscious for all of it, unfortunately Pain is the only instrument sharp enough to cut away the excess of self. Is it any wonder this path is the road less traveled, the straight gate? Our carnal mind seeks and the secular world offers many “easy” alternatives to address our discomfort, a pill for every ill as well as book purveyor’s shelves and the airways chock full of “easier, softer ways”, all that is required is a few silver coins. Many pay the path lip service, few willing to pay the price required, a great sadness indeed. Pain is the touchstone of spiritual growth, we can wish it were not so with all our might, but in truth, without pain few, if any, would be moved to act, complacency one of the Adversaries sharpest tools.

The Good News however is that once moved to act, we tap into the power of the miraculous, taking a partner in living who has all knowledge and power, the Source of all. The promise is that once we have embarked on this new beginning, if we remain willing and refuse to be turned by the Adversary, fear, life will take on new meaning. We will comprehend Serenity and we will know peace, no matter what our current circumstances. We are reborn.


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