When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


       Do you pray expecting to receive, or with trepidation? When we pray with doubt, believing secretly in our heart of hearts that God is too busy, we are insignificant or since our hands are not perfectly clean our prayers will not be answered, then we are praying with two minds, wanting our prayer answered but not believing it will be. Is it then any surprise we fail to demonstrate?

   None of us are perfect, no one is insignificant, and time is a human construct that has no bearing on God, He is never too busy for one of His children. We live in a state of grace, undeserved, His love unconditional. We place conditions on His love and availability out of our fear. Please do not misunderstand; fear is a powerful, relentless, pitiless foe. Consider: We are bombarded in a never-ending cacophony of doom and gloom. Economic disaster looms, sickness and disease ever lurking, wars and rumors of war abound, global climactic failure imminent, the end is nigh unless we act or even if we do! Is it really any wonder that fear is so hard to displace?

        Understand, this planet has been hit many times in its history with all manner of space debris, altering our home drastically, that 99% of the species that once lived have gone extinct; volcanoes have and will again erupt and explode. There will be earthquakes, economies have and will go up and down and you will die of something. Is worrying about these things going to change anything, improve our lives? No, our course is to take whatever precautions are warranted, act and live responsibly and leave the results to God.  Remember the serenity prayer? God’ grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

     Keep in mind, we live in eternity NOW, the flesh, even the stars finite, our consciousness, our soul, eternal.  Passing conditions are just that, passing. It is vital that we turn our consciousness, gently through prayer and meditation, away from the negative and to God’s love and guidance. In so doing, not only does our life improve, but the whole world as well, volcanoes, recessions/depressions, war, comet/asteroid strikes, extinctions, pandemics and global climatic changes placed in their proper perspective.

    So pray expecting God to act, for nothing so moves the universe as a heartfelt prayer, and place all your fears, great and small, in His hands.

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