When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Are you Living on the Spiritual Basis?

     You cannot have your indignation or live with “justified” anger and live on the spiritual basis, if you wish to comprehend serenity and know peace, you must choose your basis for living, secular or spiritual. There are many things in life where we can be lukewarm, wishy washy, kinda in and kinda out, take it or leave it. This is not one of them; it requires a wholehearted commitment on our part.

Living on the Spiritual Basis requires:

1) Turn your will and life over to the care and direction of a Power Greater Than Yourself, as you understand it.

2) Study and work to develop a clear understanding of what this Power is and isn‘t but at its minimum this power, God, must be loving, intelligent and available. Begin to clear away the debris from living on the secular basis; learning to value the welfare of others and the power of selfless service, of course, this is a lifetime endeavor.

 3) Give all power to your new friend God, in every sense, for every area of your existence is under His purview, nothing hidden, all secrets revealed.

4) Turn to God in prayer, holding fast to the belief that prayer can accomplish anything.

5) Destroy, with prayer, any negative thoughts as they surface, refusing to allow them purchase in your consciousness. No one does this perfectly, so do not berate yourself if a wolf in sheep’s clothing creeps in, just address it in prayer upon becoming aware.

6) Understanding “reaping and sowing.” That not only do our actions have consequences, habitual negative thinking does as well, what we focus on, we bring into our lives.

7) Practice the Presence of God, to the best of your current ability, in everything, in everyone, at all times, but especially in those you disagree with or dislike. To be clear: Seeing God in everyone and everything does not mean that we cannot or should not hold strong opinions or point of views, but instead of engaging in negative prattle and thinking we seek the higher ground that Living on the Spiritual Basis provides. For in truth, “there is a little bit of bad in the best of us and a little bit of good in the worst”, such is being human.

8) You book end your days in meditation. Starting each day asking to be shown the way of patience, tolerance, kindness and love, that your motives throughout the day be devoid of selfishness and self-seeking. Ending your day with a constructive meditation on that day’s event, refusing to allow morbid reflection to infect this time in spirit.

Like riding a bike, with practice, this way of life becomes second nature, its benefits becoming rapidly and readily evident.

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