When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Besides the curious way our recorded voice always sounds odd to us when played back, if you have ever recorded a long conversation the playback was eye opening in our word choices, cadence etc. Most unfortunately will never experience this because they will never record more than a voice mail greeting. Living in the digital world many a politician has been embarrassed by the ease of retrieval of a flip flop recorded for posterity.

The price of continuing spiritual freedom is vigilance. It is easy to drift back into negative thinking and speech. The “good” natured gossip with a friend or joining in(or worse, instigating) a bitch session about a co-worker or boss. Taking sides in any romantic or marital dispute. If we are talking about anyone for any reason and would be embarrassed if we found them standing behind us, we are wrong. If I am saying anything about anyone that I would be unwilling to say to their face, I’m wrong. Gossiping and tale telling rarely if ever embodies patience, tolerance, kindliness or love and these are some of the watchwords Living on the Spiritual Basis requires. As far as taking sides in romantic squabbles, we have all done it only to become the enemy when they reconcile. Be supportive but avoid setting yourself up later to be the bad guy.

Everything we say, do or observe is recorded. Everything. Not by God, by us. It is written upon our heart, recorded in the subconscious. Every crummy or negative thing we have ever said or done (as well as the good, but the good isn‘t the problem)is still with us and it seems the Devil himself drags these things up into the conscious mind to hold us back. We are powerless to control which thoughts float up from the subconscious. We have complete control over what action to take when we become aware of them (we don’t always catch them right away, the subconscious mind is cunning, baffling and powerful). We pray and meditate. Turn the sunlight of the spirit upon them and assert the truth in being, that you have been forgiven, completely and forever, that Our Father’s love is unconditional and these negative thoughts specters, insubstantial, powerless in the face of God’s love and guidance. Stay vigilant and avoid negativity towards others but above all never beat yourself about the head and shoulders with the past for you are now living on a different basis, the basis of trusting and relying upon God.

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