When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Monday, August 10, 2009


The Tenth Commandment: You shall not covet…anything that is your neighbor’s (Exodus 20:17). From Encarta:

Covet: v

1. Want somebody else’s property: to have a strong desire to possess something that belongs to somebody else.
2. Yearn to have: to want to have something very much.

How many wars have been started and crimes committed because of coveting? How many millions/billions put to the sword because someone coveted their land and/or possessions? Alexander, Caesar, Genghis Khan, Hitler and Stalin coveted the world. The purse-snatcher to the well dressed individual draining the savings of thousands with outright lies.

Living on the new basis, the basis of trusting and relying on God, we now know the truth of coveting. To covet is to be in fear. Fear of lack, of not getting what we “deserve”, of failure. None of the “Great” conquerors died fulfilled. They all expired with plans on the table for further conquest, coveting still more. The thief, whether it be the few dollars in your pocket or billions in trusted investment, still covet more. They are like the damaged vessel, regardless of how much water is added is never full, the water draining away nearly as fast as it is added through the hole at its base.

But what of those who never act out to realize that which they covet? To covet is to allow fear to reign in our lives, whether we act on it or not, to countenance shortage and lack. Living on the Spiritual Basis lack and shortage exist in their true light, that God is the only source and all lack and shortage illusion. God is infinite supply and nothing is lacking or missing. When we covet, we place our finite selves ahead of the infinite Source. To covet is to deny God’s “allness”, God is either everything, the true Source or else He is nothing, what is our choice to be?

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