When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Living life at raised levels of consciousness our harshest critic is always ourselves. As we become more aware, we naturally hold ourselves to higher and higher levels of conduct, not only in demonstration but also in the very thoughts that surface in our mind! No one who steps, by choice, on the path of Living on the Spiritual Basis has control over the thoughts that float up into their awareness. No one. What we do have is a tool kit, a spiritual tool kit, so that when negative or destructive thoughts materialize in our minds eye we address them in light of our raised consciousness. The mistake routinely made is one of comparison. Somehow, the thought is born that we should be further along the path, that these thoughts are in someway an indication of lack of progress on our part. Nonsense. A cloudy day is just a cloudy day unless we decide the clouds are an indicator of impending doom. A thought only has power if we choose to empower it. Self-condemnation empowers the negative, invites into our consciousness needless suffering and restricts, stifles growth. Do not let impatience drive you to despair, to needless wear and tear on your psyche. This isn’t a race. When a “curious” thought surfaces do not waste any time trying to figure out where it came from or why you have it, for to do so opens the door to morbid reflection that should be avoided like the plague (there is a visual for you). Upon recognizing the thought, gently give it over to God, thanking him for knowing Him better. Later in meditation, if you remember, ask God if there is anything He would have you see. Do not go to any lengths whatsoever to document or remember these random thoughts. Most of them will just come and go with little notice if we are diligent in applying spiritual principles as soon as they surface. Remember the lesson of the campfire ember: when a burning ember from the fire lands on our shirtsleeve if we brush it off immediately no harm will be done. If however we stop to contemplate it even for a moment the shirt will have a hole in it and we may have a painful burn on our arm. The only embers we remember, the ones that caused damage, are the ones we “thought” about. With God’s help brush off those embers reflexively; remember the sun is always shining behind the clouds.

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