When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


The Secret, the Power of Intention, the Bible, all religions and spiritual paths teach that there is an inexhaustible supply available to all, regardless of any or all present conditions or perceived limitations. The Source as unlimited as the ocean, we are only limited by the size of the vessel we choose, a tanker truck or a thimble. Are we not bombarded endlessly by talk of limited supply and dwindling resources, yet where is the real proof? We are promised, all of us, that God will provide if we are about His business. Living on the Spiritual Basis, we no longer rely on ourselves but upon the Divine, that Power Greater than Ourselves that is all knowing, all-powerful that only brings good into our lives for God and good are synonymous. So many, and I was one for longer than I care to remember, pay lip service to this but continue to act in secular ways to answer the questions of life. God is either everything or else He is nothing. No middle ground. What size vessel will you employ? Will you fill it to the brim? I say throw the vessel away, strip off the clothes of limitation that we are saddled with by secular living and dive in. Luxuriate in truth of being and shout to all that will listen, come on in, the waters fine.

A man had lived a full life and at the appointed time found himself standing at the gates with Saint Peter bidding him welcome. Presently Saint Peter began showing him around and he was awe struck, speechless from the beauty. In time they came upon a rather plain looking building that, anywhere else would pass without notice but here stood out starkly. The man asked, “What is that building?” Saint Peter responded that it was unimportant and the man should put it out of his mind. The tour continued each new vista more wonderful than the last but the man could not get that plain building out of his mind. He asked Saint Peter about it again, and again Saint Peter counseled him to put it out of his mind. Nevertheless, he could not. He persisted and finally Saint Peter relented. As they approached the building, Saint Peter tried one last time to dissuade the man from opening the door but curiosity had him. The doors opened and the man was greeted with seemingly endless rows of shelves with the most beautiful boxes sitting on them. As he drew closer, he could see that each box had a nametag on it and they where in alphabetical order. His excitement rose, turning to Saint Peter he asked if there was a box here with his name on it. “Yes” replied Saint Peter but added, “Please, let us leave.” The man hesitated for a second but there was no stopping him, just as there had been no stopping every other person who saw this building. He ran down the aisles like a child on Christmas morning until he found his row. Racing now he found his box, it was beautiful. He opened the box and his heart sank, for it contained all the blessings that God had for him that he missed in his life. He looked up and there stood Saint Peter, a tear in his eye.

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