When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Apology and The Future

To the thousands of people who have commented on my blog in the past that I failed to acknowledge I thank you all from the bottom of my heart and promise to be attentive moving forward. Speaking of which, the future I mean, I stopped writing a few years ago for a very simple reason: I sat down to write at my scheduled "creative" time one day and there was nothing there. The well was dry. I was perplexed and thought it was a short-term condition. In meditation it became clear that in fact, at the time I had said all I had to say, so with peace of heart, I let go. 

For those who have read through the previous posts I am sure you have discerned a commonality: Emmet Fox. Dr. Fox has been, and still is, at the heart of my awakening. After nearly 40 years I still study and read him daily and fully embrace his foundational philosophy and principles.

However, in my time away I have been exploring many other paths and teachers in earnest, most of them I was familiar with and had spent a modicum of time studying over the years. So in deeper and more thorough inspection I have come to know a seminal truth: All paths of enlightenment contain threads of truth, but no one path contains all. Whether it be Emmet Fox, Lao Tzu, Anandamayi Ma, Brother Lawrence, Neville Goddard, Joseph Murphy, Moses Maimonides, U.S. Andersen, Hermes Trismegistus, Wayne Dyer, Carl Jung, Nietzsche, Abraham Hicks, Marcus Aurelius, or Ram Dass to name just a few there are threads of truth to be had. The key is to read with the mind but study with our heart for what sings to us, for no two melodies are identical. Here meditation is king.

One of the keys is to let go of meaningless judgements which serve to cloud our vision and to be clear, in my opinion of course, your mileage may vary, looking at the world today there are a lot of folks with at best cloudy vision to downright blindness, but even so, it is ALL PERFECT. The corporeal world is perfect. There is the perfect number of blades of grass, of sparrows and mountains, of fish in the seas and creatures great and small on the land. Of people and their dharma in this current incarnation. Yes, we have lived many lives and we will live many more, the flesh ephemeral, our substance, the I AM, eternal.

So if you stuck around to this point, I guess I have more to say moving forward, the well reinvigorated. Can’t promise daily postings, but who knows, for it is just a day at a time after all.

Copyright Vincent Lee Jones


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