When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Electric Apple Pie, Probably Alamode Part 2

So to continue with our pie analogy, our Indwelling Presence is not a “portion” of God, but God himself and proof of our true divine self hood. Consider an electric circuit. The electricity (God) is present throughout the circuit (us) though invisible. We only “see” the action of the electricity when we flip the switch and the bulb (our Divine Mind) illuminates.

Our physical life is like our apple pie from yesterday, probably alamode; each day a little more gone until only the tin remains to be recycled, no deposit required. Our true self, that which exists beyond the physical, our soul, the I AM is never diminished, never proportioned always whole and eternal. For: We are not human beings in search of the miraculous, a spiritual awakening, we are spiritual beings experiencing the human condition, one day at a time. God, like the electric current, flows through us, always there, just waiting for us to flip the switch and embrace enlightenment. Oh, and I bet you will never look at a piece of apple pie, probably alamode, the same way ever again.
© Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved
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