When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Sunday, January 8, 2017


Does God play favorites? Are some “chosen” for success while others seemingly for failure? Does God want us all to be “Happy, Joyous and Free” or just some of us? Is He really “Our Father” or not? Living on the Spiritual Basis we have chosen to live the examined life and answering these questions defines what we really believe. When we were of the world, spiritual answers were of the bumper sticker or cotton candy variety; short, easy to remember but lacking any real depth, sticky sweet with little spiritual nutritional value. Now being in the world but of God, by choice, we look beyond the easy vacuous greeting card answers to life and living and get down to causes and conditions. A price has to be paid and the price is the surrendering of self.

We alter our lives by taking the road less traveled. Here difficulty arises since we often find ourselves seemingly traveling alone, encountering questions and challenges greater than we seemingly see others facing. To be clear: everyone faces the same questions and challenges, the form they take alters for each individual, but they are all rooted in the same bedrock and we will either seek answers or live in denial or chemically  induced oblivion when the pain of living becomes too great. Selfishness, self-centeredness, self-seeking, fear in all its guises are the veritable roadblocks to spiritual freedom.

A relationship with Source requires nothing and everything. There is no need to bring your wallet, but helping those in need as you are able is highly recommended. You do not have to join anything but congregating with like-minded individuals is a plus. God is the same today as yesterday and promised to be in the future, yet living in the light we grow and change day by day, sometimes moment by moment. The path available to all, rich to poor, literate or illiterate, high born or born of the earth, the only real impediment is self centered fear exacerbating the illusion we are separated from eternal truth. Everything needed to have a conscious contact with God is available to us now, if we are willing to go to any lengths, what an order! but in the light of truth, is there really any other choice?

© Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved
The Secret, Wayne Dyer, Serenity, Enlightenment, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, Pope Francis, Chopra, Jesus, Einstein, AA, McRaven, Healing Path

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