When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Renewing Energy

Without renewing energy stagnation results and there is probably no better demonstration of this than a tidal pool. The renewing energy of the waves keeps a pool fresh, supplied with renewed vigor. Consider our consciousness as a tidal pool, our renewing waves comprised of willingness, open mindedness, of turning to Source in all things, trusting in God to wash over us in forgiveness, love and guidance, in turn carrying away that which is stagnant, our negative and fearful thoughts.

A closed mind is like the tidal pool that has been blocked off from the renewing energy of the sea. Soon thoughts turn brackish, becoming unhealthy, energy and even life draining away. Eventually if nothing fresh flows in all life and positive energy drains away, leaving only fear and discontent. Self-centered fear works to convince us that in times of trouble the waves of renewal will not return; closing our mind to truth, and faith begins to waver.

Just as the oceans level rises and falls, leaving the pool seemingly without supply for a time, so does our awareness of our connection to Source. By standing in the light through the demonstration of consistent prayer, service and meditation we know the tide will rise and the waves of renewing energy will return. So we stay willing and open minded, to learn and listen; the renewing energy of Divine Intelligence keeping us fresh and alive, ready to demonstrate the power of Creation in every area of our  life.

© Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved
#The Secret, #Wayne Dyer, #Serenity, Enlightenment, #Zen, #Emmet Fox, #How To Be Happy, #Golden Key, #Pope Francis, #Chopra, #Jesus, #Einstein, #AA, McRaven,

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