When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Radical Forgiveness

There are many things that link us, one to another, the two most powerful being love and resentment, one we embrace, the other we must be free of. When we think on those we love we feel peace, calmness, brings a smile to the face. Conversely when thinking on resentment the blood pressure rises, the jaw tightens, our thoughts taking on a decidedly darker tone. To be free of resentment requires work, for nothing will retard, even stop spiritual progress more than resentment and it is deadly.

To be free of resentment we must embrace radical forgiveness. Many confuse forgiveness with having to like the object of the resentment. Fortunately it is not required, not a bad thing, just not required. We do have to “love” them in the sense that we free them from our heart (where all resentment resides) and give them “root and branch” over to God’s care. We do this by saying a definite and specific prayer giving over the resentment and all attached to it to God. We do this once and only once. When the resentment pops up again in our consciousness, and it most surely will, thank God for knowing Him better (as many times as necessary) and under no circumstance retell the “story” ever again, even if prodded by another who may have been part of the “story” or shared in the resentment. Additionally do not volunteer any action or direction another should take in regard to the shared resentment unless asked specifically what you are doing, never answer the unasked question. 

© Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved
#The Secret, #Wayne Dyer, #Serenity, Enlightenment, #Zen, #Emmet Fox, #How To Be Happy, #Golden Key, #Pope Francis, #Chopra, #Jesus, #Einstein, #AA, McRaven,

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