When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Monday, August 1, 2016

The Price Of Indignation

“You can have either your demonstration or your indignation, but you cannot have both.”  We cannot condemn anyone and salute the spark of divine simultaneously. We will never progress far on the path of Living on the Spiritual Basis if we harbor resentment and condemnation of any kind for any reason in our consciousness. By whatever measure we limit or subjectively dismiss anything or anyone as being beyond the pale, we distance ourselves from the path.
The maxim of “equal and opposite reaction” is as true spiritually as it is physically. The Great Carpenter taught on this point when he spoke on “righteous” judgment. Many have misconstrued this teaching as to mean that we should never be judgmental, which is incorrect.
To be able to see our brothers and sisters clearly we must first address our own shortcomings and clean up our side of the street, only then can our “eye be single.”  Once we have done this we see everything in a new light, the true light, the light of spiritual awakening.
We all naturally have opinions and viewpoints on all manner things, additionally some people we will welcome into our lives, others not so much, and some for valid reasons will be kept at a distance. The key is the steadfast refusal to engage in self-righteousness and of becoming a spiritual imperialist. We must stay ever vigilant of these thoughts and when they creep into our consciousness, for they will often masquerad as wolves in sheep’s clothing, we gently turn to God in prayer thanking Him for our heightened awareness, asking Him to guide us on the path of patience, tolerance, kindness and love.
Having strongly held opinions and viewpoints are never troublesome when filtered through Spiritual truth. The trouble arises when we fail to employ this filter for this filter is the key to self-control, the bar against becoming self-righteous and manifesting deadly spiritual pride. So the choice is simple but the price is high; God or indignation. Choose wisely. 
© Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved
#The Secret, #Wayne Dyer, #Serenity, Enlightenment, #Zen, #Emmet Fox, #How To Be Happy, #Golden Key, #Pope Francis, #Chopra, #Jesus, #Einstein, #AA, McRaven,

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