When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Responding To Trouble, A Third Way

How do you respond to trouble? The typical response is to either square up and meet force with force or escape as rapidly as possible. Living on the Spiritual Basis provides a different path, a third way. As soon as we become aware; someone appears looking to pick a fight (physically or verbally), an argument begins (whether it concerns us or not), we witness a fender bender, someone does something inconsiderate or dangerous while driving, we are subjected to or are in the presence of rude behavior, etc immediately we turn to prayer, seeing the situation and all involved in Divine Presence, bathing them and the situation in God’s love and direction, relying on prayer and spiritual enlightenment for resolution. In this way we tap into unlimited power and potential, rejecting human limitation, raising the consciousness of all involved for “When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.” 

© Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved
#The Secret, #Wayne Dyer, #Serenity, Enlightenment, #Zen, #Emmet Fox, #How To Be Happy, #Golden Key, #Pope Francis, #Chopra, #Jesus, #Einstein, #AA, McRaven,

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