When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Transcending The Law

Having come to an understanding of the Law of Reaping and Sowing or if you prefer the Law of Karma, does this mean the universe acts automatically, has been left to operate mechanically, with no chance to alter a path or outcome once action has been initiated? Yes and no, it depends on our basis of living, where our heart lies. If we go through life responding reflexively to situations and conditions as they occur, speaking about God and praying but ultimately relying on the secular basis of living to address problems, then the answer must be yes.

When we choose to Live on the Spiritual Basis cosmic laws remain as immutable as ever, the difference is we have touched the source, connected with intention and through prayer and meditation we do not skirt the law but reap and sow at increased levels of consciousness. By practicing the Presence of God in everything we do we rise above limitation and transcend ordinary levels of consciousness, of carnal thinking and secular living. Do not make the mistake of thinking that a perfunctory prayer will save you from reaping the consequences of your actions, only by a sufficient raising of consciousness do we transcend error and free ourselves from limitation. By raising our awareness, our consciousness, the path narrows and the truth of living becomes evident, that only by a wholehearted reliance on God do we rise above the natural and perfectly logical consequences of Karma.

Living at raised levels of consciousness the costs if we stray come quicker and with more vigor, but we give thanks for knowing Him better for we are indeed on the road less traveled, the only road worth traveling, for it is the only road that leads to ultimate freedom, freedom from the bondage of self and all limitation. 

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