When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Storm Proof Foundation

        The longest eighteen inches in the world lies between the head and the heart. The bridge of intellect to faith. Speaking about God and spirituality, practicing faith when the weather is calm is easy. Standing in faith when every fiber of the carnal mind screams in opposition, isn’t. The back of every American dollar bill reads “In God We Trust” but do we, really? The Great Carpenter teaches that those who demonstrate faith in action build their spiritual house/consciousness “upon a rock” while those who are nominally Living on the Spiritual Basis build their “house” on sand “and great was the fall of it.”

       We can build a structure on any ground as long as the sun is shining, the wind nothing more than a breeze, but to do so in the belief that conditions will never change is a fools errand at best, yet many do this very thing with their spiritual house and then are devastated when the rains come and the winds blow and their structure collapses, then compounding the error by blaming God for the storm, forgetting storms are part of life, rain falling on the just and unjust equally.

      In truth we chose the materials our house is constructed of, the construction practices employed, how well we adhere to the blueprints, for it matters little the quality of the materials if they are poorly installed, the blueprint ignored. The Good News is the Master Builder will step in at any point and set the project (our consciousness) right if we will only place our trust in His guidance and unconditional love. By this simple, but not easy reliance on a Power Greater than Ourselves our structure is solidly built able to withstand life's inevitable storms.  

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