When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Are you nuts! There’s no frakking bridge!

We are constantly treating everything in our lives by our thinking, if we believe we are defeated, we are. We are asking for failure if we believe in failure, we are treating for MORE failure, even though we are praying, haltingly, for success. How can that be? no one wants to fail, so we pray but spend the rest of the day entertaining negative fearful thoughts. “As a man thinks.” What we dwell on, spend our time reflecting on, we manifest in our lives, Period. We will never manifest peace, prosperity, health and happiness in our lives if we continue to focus on strife, lack, sickness and sadness. All prayers are heard, but when we ask not really believing, for any reason, the prayer will be answered in the manner asked; our lack of faith rewarded. When we feel even the slightest twinge of doubt, stop and treat the doubt with prayer before praying further! We do not allow ourselves the illusion that by pretending it is not there deals with it. So we pray with all our heart and expect to receive, but we don’t limit God by outlining in our mind how we think our prayers should be answered. When outlining we stifle God’s will, were so fixed looking in one direction we overlook anything that does not  fit our imagined solution. Trust God’s unlimited vision and refuse to be limited by outlining.

Perhaps a visualization that has helped me will help you with the demonstration: Indiana Jones is on the brink of finding the Holy Grail. He has surmounted difficulties that were monumental to reach this point but now finds he is looking at a chasm that appears impossible to cross. He opens his father's book looking for inspiration and reads “Step out in faith.” Closing his eyes, with fear and trepidation, he steps out into space and discovers the bridge had always been there, he just couldn’t see it. Faith is like that. Trust in God and refuse to entertain the inner voice screaming: Are you nuts! There’s no frakking bridge!

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