When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


 The seven day mental diet is a lesson in reaping and sowing. In the garden of our minds, how careful are we with the thoughts we plant and nurture in our consciousness? One of the fundamental truths of being is the thoughts we entertain will outsource into our lives. Consider: What are you reading? Watching on television? What topics do you consistently chat with friends and family about? What thoughts do you dwell on in private? These things comprise the food we feed our consciousness.

Day One: Be aware of the thoughts you entertain and the “food” you feed your mind. Be conscious in the moment. Keep notes if it helps, no extra points for spelling or correct punctuation. DO NOT tell anyone that you are on a diet, to do so guarantees failure. If the idea of doing this makes you cringe, than don’t. You are not ready. Just file it away and when ready, this wonderful tool of freedom will be available.

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