When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


      If you could receive three gifts, what would they be? Riches? A perfect body unaffected by any food consumed or lack of exercise? Your children healthy and prospering? Mosquitoes extinct? Probably we have all dreamed of what we would ask for if Aladdin’s lamp came into our possession. How about the ability to fly? To make all politicians and car salesmen tell the truth? Now that would be scary. Along with flying, there are a whole myriad of superpowers that would be pretty cool. Strength, telepathy, breathing in water, invisibility, etc, all make for an interesting thought experiment. In considering this, if I could have a super power, it would be the power to instill common sense. I would walk through crowds brushing against people, striking them down with common sense, and just like the popular end of the world virus scenarios once infected every person they touched would become infected as well (insert diabolical laughter here). Soon the entire world would be infected and there would be nothing that could be done to stop it, common sense would rule!! (More diabolical laughter here).

    Diabolical laughter aside, if common sense was, well common, consider how the world would be transformed. No one would talk or text, apply makeup, read the newspaper, shave or any of the other thousand things some folks do while piloting a roadway missile.  Politicians and leaders would actually be concerned about those they serve, working for something other than their legacy, their bank account or cushy lobbyist job upon leaving office. I may be naïve, but I believe that common sense would resolve conflicts in a twinkling, all parties working toward the welfare of all involved. Terrorists, once infected, would slap their foreheads saying, “What was I thinking?” and then do something constructive with their lives. Admit it, wouldn’t you love to be watching TV when some self obsessed personality or politician became infected on air? Professional athletes salaries would become commensurate to the reality that they play games for a living, while frontline teachers pay would reflect the importance of the role they play. Reality TV and infomercials would cease to exist over night. No pollution or litter, for no one with a lick of common sense would poison his or her environment or throw trash on the ground. Kinda gives one pause to wonder doesn’t it.

     I know, Common Sense Man does not have the same panache as Wolverine, Batman, Daredevil, Superman or Ironman but in the real world, clear thinking is of much greater value than Admantium retractable claws. My other two wishes? Common sense dictates I keep some things to myself. Excelsior!

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