When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


        Fear drives us in hundreds of ways. From the doom and gloom of the daily headlines and nightly news to every time we watch our children walk out the door without us to protect them, fear is always lurking, for existential bubble wrap does not exist. When we try to avoid the inevitable sharp and hard things in life, we struggle just as Sisyphus, never reaching the illusionary safety that enough money, perfect health, secure employment, “perfect” children or any of the other secular things that are supposed to assuage our fears. The best investments can and have failed, though we should do all we can to guard our health, no one gets out alive, even the best companies suffer through downturns and try as we might to protect and teach them our children will walk their own path.

      Living on the Spiritual Basis, we place fear in its proper perspective. Life is unmanageable and we are ultimately powerless over it. Living on the new basis, the basis of trusting and relying on God, when faced with fear in its various guises we understand now that today is just one day in eternity, that prayer is always the answer even when we are unsure of the question and habitual meditation leads to peace of heart. The choice is always ours; trust the carnal mind, relying on our finite knowledge and resources to solve the fear problem or place ourselves unreservedly into the arms of infinite love, guidance and abundance. Choose wisely.

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