When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Friday, June 12, 2009


How do we progress spiritually? Is it by studying every new book or teacher that comes along? Willingly casting aside yesterdays book or teacher in hope that the new information or teacher is better? Perhaps never even taking the time to see if a particular teaching works because of jumping from one to another, and there is always another. The student of mathematics progresses logically forward, as do students of all secular studies. They learn the basics, building upon this foundation as their understanding of their field of study advances. Think about mathematics: every great mathematical theorem, every breakthrough from Pythagoras to Newton to Einstein to Hawking began with understanding 2+2. They all began with the basics, thoroughly understood and employed, to inspired new demonstrations. The study of metaphysics requires not only the logical progression of thought as mathematics but the artists way as well. We can attend the finest schools of art, rub elbows with accomplished artists, walk the finest galleries of art, and though we may have a wonderful appreciation and even love of art, we will never be an artist until we place pencil to paper, brush to canvas. Our peace of mind, serenity, develops as we practice, demonstrate, what we have learned about spiritual principles, in our lives, daily. Knowledge is fine, but without demonstration has little power to change. As we practice what we know spiritually daily (the amount matters little) our heart and mind become more attuned with the spiritual basis, through this demonstration we grow in understanding by action, and there is no other way to truly learn how to Live on the Spiritual Basis. Who is the artist? The individual who knows all about art, a head full of knowledge, who has never brushed a stroke or the individual who perhaps has had no real formal training but draws, paints and creates daily? Our lives are the canvas, a room full art supplies of little value unless used to create, so apply what you have learned and God will guide your hand, the picture emerging miraculous. Oh, and art is messy, so don’t worry about the paint under your finger nails, on the floor or your clothes, the Great Artist understands and it puts a smile on his face.

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