When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


No one lives life perfectly. No one is at peace or serene persistently. No one is energized and at their best every minute. Just as the tides rise and fall so does our energy levels, our peace and serenity. We find trouble when we compare our insides with others outsides. All of the people you think are so much more, or doing better than you, have their moments, in private, just like everyone else. When the Pope stubs his toe it hurts. Granted he probably doesn’t utter the same expletive I do (and if he did it would be in Latin and everything sounds better in Latin) when it happens, but then again, the point being that everyone stubs their toe, having nothing to do with spiritual condition. Now if I blame someone else for putting or moving the table there or start in on the unfairness of the universe for bringing this calamity or better yet think that for some reason I deserved to stub my toe and the pain is the universes way of reminding me of my place, it then becomes a spiritual matter. When we are constantly looking for tea leaves to read, we will always find them and amazingly the news is routinely bad. The forecast dark with more dark and a chance of scattered crappiness later in the week. Usually a cloudy day is just a cloudy day, nothing more. The only lesson to be learned from stubbing ones toe (or any of the other trivialities that cross our path daily) is to watch where we are going, the universe is not out to get us. To be believe otherwise would be illogical in the light of what we now know from Living on the Spiritual Basis.

l [i lójjik’l]: adj

1. not following the rules of logic, or not following logically from a previous premise, statement, or action.

Everybody spends time in the barrel. The Pope, the Dalai Lama, everybody. Living on the Spiritual Basis we, along with the Pope and Dalai Lama, have a logical basis for living. The basis of trusting and relying on a power greater than ourselves. Stubbed toes and cloudy days notwithstanding. If we are constantly taking our temperature we are surely to find a fever, and in so doing we are demonstrating lack of faith. Living on the Spiritual Basis we have a logical path of direction to follow, keeping our eye on the ball, God, and doing the work He would have us do, we then meet calamity with serenity, with an occasional expletive, for God knows stubbed toes hurt.

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