When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Our Expiration Date

What man can truly know the wonder of childbirth? Or the bond of brothers forged in battle by those who have never stood the line? How many can learn the lessons of being a despotic and noble leader in the same life? The lessons of the world traveler or someone who happily spends their life within walking distance of their birthplace, of being born into affluence, opportunity and entitlement or poverty and perceived limitation in a single life? Of a loving family and the orphan, the lessons learned from a life of excess and hedonism and one of selfless service or living as an ascetic? Of unshakable belief and nagging doubt? Who could possibly learn these lessons and so many more in a single life? And are not all these lessons and more part or our wonderful spiritual journey? God is not limited by flesh or time and are we not children of the most high? Does the flesh, which is by design ephemeral, define us or does our eternal Divine self-hood? As flesh we are limited, as Spirit, children of the Miraculous we are unlimited, timeless, in truth, immortal. This body, made of star stuff, comes with an expiration date, you and I however, do not. 

© Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved
Miracles Of Recovery, Overdose Death, Alcoholism, Wayne Dyer, Drug Addiction, Zen, Emmet Fox, Opioids, Heroin, Einstein, AA, Healing Path Recovery, Drug Rehab #Drug Addiction, #Drug Rehab, #Healing Path Recovery, #Heroin, #Opioids

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