When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Getting Back To Basics

Ever hear someone say they were “getting back to basics or fundamentals”? In sports or cooking this may be applicable but spiritually it is nonsense. You are either on the path or not, no middle ground. Additionally, to believe that since we have been on the path for a time that conditions or requirements of continued spiritual growth change leads inexorably to spiritual pride, a sense of entitlement and destructive self-righteousness in demonstration, guaranteeing suffering for anyone who falls into this trap. The “fundamentals” are eternal, only the form of expression changes.

In God’s eyes all are equal, regardless of their earthly crimes, circumstances or demonstration. God does not play favorites or met out punishment, we set the table, the demonstration is ours; We always reap as we sow. Those who choose to live a life bereft of spiritual principles are loved by God in equal measure as those who have dedicated their lives to the path. The difference is the individual’s connection to source, not the sources connection to the individual. Living on the new basis, the Spiritual Basis, we do the footwork, put in our time “working out”, exercising our spiritual muscles through prayer, meditation and service, so when (not if) trouble or a difficulty arises we are prepared.

When faced with any of the life changing moments that are part of living those who have eschewed the path are faced with the question they can no longer postpone or evade: God is either everything or else He is nothing. When an individual reaches this turning point, a jumping off place, they will either start up the mountain of enlightenment or bury their head in the sand (drugs, alcohol, blame, rationalization, denial, etc) attempting to blot out the truth.

When we place our feet on the base of a mountain for the first time it doesn’t mean we have the needed experience or are prepared to attempt greater heights. It requires time and consistent dedication to become an experienced mountain climber and just as in mountain climbing, spiritually if we lose sight of the fundamentals, thinking we are beyond them, great is the fall.

© Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved
#The Secret, #Wayne Dyer, #Serenity, Enlightenment, #Zen, #Emmet Fox, #How To Be Happy, #Golden Key, #Pope Francis, #Chopra, #Jesus, Healing Path Recovery, #Einstein, Marianne Williamson, Sayeh Beheshti,

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