When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Blessings And Unicorns

A gathering of geese is a gaggle. A brood of chickens is a clutch. A gathering of unicorns is known as a blessing. Unicorns hold a curious place in our consciousness. Virtually every other creature, whether real or mythical, has been depicted as both good and evil, depending on the point trying to be made, or the consciousness of the time. Cats were worshiped in ancient Egypt, and then nearly wiped out in Europe during the Middle Ages since many believed them to be the familiars of witches, which allowed the rat population to explode spreading the black plague. Lions, tigers, bears (oh my!), snakes, dragons, sharks, spiders, crocodiles, horses and dogs have spent time on either side of the street and though typically negative, even rats and cockroaches have found some to sing their praises. The unicorn however is always depicted in a positive, mystical light, never deadly or harmful directly or indirectly, the most negative depiction its supposed foolishness when called by Noah.

Spiritually the unicorn represents freedom and willingness and by Living on the Spiritual Basis we choose to ride the unicorn. Unlike a horse, which is bridled and controlled, the unicorn will not submit to saddle or bridle for it is not a beast of burden but a force of nature. The unicorn does not need our input on what direction to fly, for its vision is singular. The unicorn does not require our strength, for it draws strength directly from The Source of all creation. The unicorn does not go around or fly above trouble and discontent; for trouble and discontent vanishes as it approaches.

The Adversary, fear, will whisper to us to avoid the unicorn and walk like other men. Resist fears clarion call and jump on the unicorns back, grabbing it’s mane tight, digging your heels into its side for in so doing you demonstrate willingness, though fearful, to ride on, come what may. Soon you will find yourself surrounded by other unicorns, most unfortunately riderless, truly in the midst of a blessing.  

Zen, Wayne Dyer, The Secret, Road Less Traveled, Power of Intention, NOTW, Law Of Attraction, Golden Key, Baba Ram Dass, ACIM, 

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