When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Wild Justice

         Wishing to get even, revenge, to balance the scales, to repay in kind are natural human sentiments, a wild justice, manifestations of living on the secular basis. Conversely, Living on the Spiritual Basis we have learned that “hatred ceases not with hatred.” Though the crimes and acts committed may be horrendous, even beyond the pale, we must take a higher road or we will forever be mired in limitation.

      We must turn to God, and though the guilty may have committed acts seemingly unforgivable, we must give them over to God root and branch otherwise we suffer along with the guilty. Remember it takes two to make a prisoner, the guilty and the jailer and is not the jailer as surely in prison as the guilty? The spiritual jailer having it worse than the prisoner, since they can leave the prison while the guilty are trapped, yet they chose to return of their own free will day after day, perpetuating resentment and condemnation in their hearts, effectively building an impenetrable barrier to spiritual freedom. Prison or freedom, light or dark, limitation or unlimited growth, the choice is always ours. “Let there be peace, and let it begin with me.”

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