When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Friday, August 13, 2010


         Within as without. What we believe at our core always finds it way into the light. The thief, liar and cheat all eventually fly their colors and become known for what they are, in spite of their best attempts to stay hidden. As disconcerting to life as these individuals are, those who speak of God yet act godless are the saddest of all. They recognize the beauty and importance of a spiritual connection only from the viewpoint of exploiting it for their own gain. If there ever was a creature that deserved our pity, they qualify. They truly “miss the forest for all the trees”, their focus self-centered, the majesty of our connection to the author of all obscured.

       Only you know your heart. When our relationship with God is right, all other relationships can and will fall into place. The secret place of our consciousness is where we lay the foundation and place our order for the future. With God as our partner the foundation is sound, the future secure in the knowledge that we have tapped the universal mind for guidance and strength. Unfortunately the clamors of the world insistently attempt to invade our serenity, to infect our heart with fear, to turn us from the miraculous to the mundane. If your heart is troubled, turn off the news, put down the newspaper, switch off the radio and let the phone go to voice-mail. Pick up whatever spiritual tome is at hand or appeals to you and spend some time with it. Read a few lines and quietly reflect on what they mean to you. Continue doing this until it is time to stop, you will know. Your heart will be filled, peace re-established, perspective restored. This all happens in your secret place, your soul, your connection to the Divine cleansed, the forest in clear view, the beauty of the trees evident once again.


  1. I am finding it easier and easier to reconnect when the connection is fuzzy. It is happenning less as well. :-) I was that individual that was described in the beginning of the post, but in my reality that illusion was for the good of all who know me as well as myself. Only Grace has me able to percieve that truth. I truly love all your posts/blogs. I have just gone out and got THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT for a dear firend of mine. Ready to dig in with open heart, mind, and spirit.. it has come to me in the perfect "timing" (lol) Thank you for your energy and work dearheart... Love..Light..Respect~~~~Jennifer

  2. Thanks Jennifer for the kind words. I truly appreciate all comments. Peace to you and yours, Vince.
