When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Friday, July 30, 2010


        Thought about Moses lately? Living on the Spiritual Basis the purpose of life has become clear, to establish and maintain a conscious contact with Our Father. Moses, according to the narrative, had a pretty stout conscious contact with God. The relationship so deep, God chose him to receive the Ten Commandments, the new blueprint for living. Moses was not chosen at random, God chose him because of the strength, unwavering faith and belief he demonstrated in every area of life. His willingness to go to any extreme for the spiritual experience; taking some pretty unpopular stands against recognized spiritual authority along the way, demonstrating his love of, and faith in God, the measure. The Moses narrative happened around 3,500 years ago give or take and amazingly he holds a revered position in Judaism, Christianity and Islam; no small accomplishment, but what significance could this have for us today, in the “modern” world?

      God was so moved He appeared to Moses in physical form! When we set aside prejudice and preconceived notions and study with our hearts as well as our mind, standing ready to kick sacred cows to the curb, we become more like Moses. The greatest barrier to spiritual growth is a closed mind. We must keep an open mind and heart, listen and learn daily, pray and meditate with joy, never out of a sense of duty if we are to grow and prosper in the light. In so doing we become more like Moses, admit it, though it would scare the bejezus out of you, a speaking burning bush would be pretty cool, so to borrow from a commercial tag line: Got Moses? 

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