There is a story in the Old Testament concerning three men who refused to worship a golden image erected by King Nebuchadnezzar. The king was so incensed by their refusal he sentenced them to die in a fiery furnace. This furnace was so hot, the guards died in the process of casting the men in. As the King watched, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego (aren’t bible names cool) were joined in the furnace by a fourth man. Soon the three emerged from the furnace, unharmed, delivered because they had refused to sacrifice their belief, holding fast to God, the fourth presence in the furnace. The king was so moved he converted on the spot.
We all face trials and difficulties in our lives, our “fiery furnace.” Having chosen to Live on the Spiritual Basis, by holding fast to a power greater than ourselves, the fourth man stands with us, keeping us unharmed, regardless of how intense the fire appears to be.
When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
When we are in “it” our perception of our world becomes skewed, often to the extreme. A wise man said to me long ago “Everyone spends time in the barrel.” The problems start in earnest when we start to believe that the “barrel” or the rough patch we find ourselves in at the moment is permanent. “Seasons of dryness” happen to all, the reason why of little importance, the action we engage in when we become aware paramount. The typical response, and unfortunately direction given by many well intentioned but mistaken advisers, is to “redouble” ones efforts, when the opposite is true. When driving if we come upon a bad patch of road, one of the signs invariably directs us to “slow down.” We are never directed to speed up, drive harder or redouble our driving. The same holds for the spiritual road. We don’t struggle or try to fight our way through, we surrender, relax, for this too shall pass.
To be clear, action is required, so we pray but keep it simple. In times of trouble simply “God is with me” is a powerful prayer, and is sufficient if it is all we can muster in the moment. What matters is our willingness to continue praying, placing the burden on God’s shoulders, for it is too much for us. By keeping our gaze focused on Him who has all knowledge and power, in time, just as with stretches of bad road the trouble will pass, the road smooths, the ride stabilizes and our gaze shifts from the roadbed back to the unlimited horizons before us.
To be clear, action is required, so we pray but keep it simple. In times of trouble simply “God is with me” is a powerful prayer, and is sufficient if it is all we can muster in the moment. What matters is our willingness to continue praying, placing the burden on God’s shoulders, for it is too much for us. By keeping our gaze focused on Him who has all knowledge and power, in time, just as with stretches of bad road the trouble will pass, the road smooths, the ride stabilizes and our gaze shifts from the roadbed back to the unlimited horizons before us.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
You have probably heard the simile of the mustard seed, that all that is required to progress spiritually is a mustard seeds worth of faith. The mustard seed is one of smallest seeds in nature, yet a strong, resilient plant with amazing properties springs forth from this speck of creation. So it is with us as well. By simply considering or thinking on faith, we have enough faith to demonstrate. To concern ourselves with any supposed “lack” of faith is the adversary, self-centered fear, attempting to keep us locked in the bondage of self, so we pray to the best of our ability today, and that is all that is required of us to progress, for all prayer has power. In the grip of trouble the only prayer we may be able to utter is “God help me”, which is a powerful statement in faith, and is sufficient onto its self.
If you are considering faith, you have the mustard seed in your hand. From this small beginning a powerful and vibrant relationship with the only true source will grow, the garden of our consciousness watered with prayer, tended with meditation and service, to the best of our current ability, for God will never ask more than we can deliver this day.
If you are considering faith, you have the mustard seed in your hand. From this small beginning a powerful and vibrant relationship with the only true source will grow, the garden of our consciousness watered with prayer, tended with meditation and service, to the best of our current ability, for God will never ask more than we can deliver this day.
Friday, May 28, 2010
“Live, one day at a time.” This simple saying popularized by Alcoholics Anonymous has become part of the daily consciousness, but what does it really mean? Living on the Spiritual Basis the meaning is simple and profound: The only time we can be present for God, the only time we can stand in the presence of God, the only time God can be present in our lives is in the present moment. So be present for God, for God is always present for us. Yesterday a memory, tomorrow a promise, today, this moment the only reality. Living on this basis, the Spiritual Basis, all the presents God has for us appear in our lives.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
To progress, to grow in consciousness we must do the work, for no one can do another’s spiritual lifting. Memorizing and reciting spiritual sayings, affirmations and prayers is a valuable tool, but to progress we must go much further. To have a lively faith we must remain open minded and willing to explore new spiritual experiences, in the light of prayer and meditation, and then demonstrate faith through our actions.
Self-centered fear is a thief, lurking in the shadows, cunning and patient, waiting for the moment to strike, stealing peace of mind and serenity leaving anxiety and depression in its wake. So we ask God to remove from us the notion that any part of our lives or thinking, any shadows, is hidden from Him. Of course nothing is, but we need to say it in prayer, affirming it in meditation, so any lingering thoughts that anything exists outside His sight will be smashed.
We live in the light, for in truth the only darkness that exists are the shadows we cast when attempting to live on anything other than the Spiritual Basis. Living on the Spiritual Basis everything is illuminated, so when we err, for we all do, this simple reliance on God will take us to better things, forgiven as soon as we ask, our course of action clear, unmistakable.
Self-centered fear is a thief, lurking in the shadows, cunning and patient, waiting for the moment to strike, stealing peace of mind and serenity leaving anxiety and depression in its wake. So we ask God to remove from us the notion that any part of our lives or thinking, any shadows, is hidden from Him. Of course nothing is, but we need to say it in prayer, affirming it in meditation, so any lingering thoughts that anything exists outside His sight will be smashed.
We live in the light, for in truth the only darkness that exists are the shadows we cast when attempting to live on anything other than the Spiritual Basis. Living on the Spiritual Basis everything is illuminated, so when we err, for we all do, this simple reliance on God will take us to better things, forgiven as soon as we ask, our course of action clear, unmistakable.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
“Man is essentially spiritual, the image and likeness of God, and therefore he is made for the spiritual basis, and he cannot really succeed on any other.” Emmet Fox. Living on the Spiritual Basis requires focus and commitment. Half hearted demonstrations lead inevitably to struggle, for we wish to enjoy the reputation of someone who embraces spiritual principles without reservation, but know in our heart; the secret place of our consciousness, that we have one foot in the secular, one in the spiritual and as we have learned, the two minded individual is unstable in all their ways. So speak to Him in prayer unburdening yourself of the last vestiges of self-centered fear and stride wholeheartedly out on to the only real basis of living, the Spiritual Basis.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Do you pray for yourself? If not you should, regularly. Every conversation with God is a prayer and Living on the Spiritual Basis we do not filter our conversations. If we do, than we are relying on our limited consciousness to manage our relationship with the infinite, with God, rather vain of us, for in truth, God already knows the issues of our heart, the conversation/prayer demonstrating our willingness to be taken to better things, a higher consciousness. When our “eye is single” we understand that what we give our attention manifests in our lives, our perceptions changed, our consciousness raised. God will not, can not bring anything into our lives that will harm us or others, for good and God are synonymous, so never hesitate to speak to God on any subject, for in so doing our attention is focused on the only thing that truly matters, our relationship with “Our Father”.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Mind versus heart. Having an understanding of spiritual principles is important, a mind full of spiritual knowledge if you will. The curious thing about spiritual knowledge is many believe it is all they need, demonstration secondary. Having a great deal of medical knowledge doesn’t make someone a doctor, to truly become a doctor they must first acquire knowledge and then under careful supervision put that knowledge into action, turning it into experience, moving it from the theoretical to the real, from head to heart. This holds true in every area of life, but no area more important than our spiritual life, since everything in life finds its germination in God, yet so many fail to walk the way they talk. In pursuit of material and secular success individuals will go too tremendous lengths; often ignoring the spiritual imperative, their treasure being material possessions and accolades; their actions demonstrating their true hearts desire, speaking one way, but living at odds with the spiritual imperative. A head full of spiritual knowledge without the corresponding demonstration amounts to a half measure, and spiritually half measures avail us nothing. Only we know if “we walk the way we talk”, so, what treasure are you following with your heart?
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Typically when I’m asked how I’m doing I respond: “It’s another beautiful day in paradise.” Why? First, most really don’t want to know in any detail, since essentially all they are doing is saying hello and this lets them off the hook. Admit it, there have been times when you have used “How are you doing?” as a greeting and the person proceeded, in detail, to tell you exactly how they are doing, all the while your internal voice screaming “I was only saying hello!”
Secondly, and most importantly, when talking about the difficulties and challenges in life there needs to be a very good reason for the conversation, otherwise we may place ourselves in danger of stoking the fires of resentment, opening the doors of condemnation, looking for others to co-sign whatever were peddling, trying to feel better at the expense of others, reveling in morbid reflection. The concept that “talking” about something troubling us will make us feel better is only a half truth. It only has lasting value if the purpose of the conversation is to explore solutions, not to merely rant. We have all ranted at times in our lives, what happened? In the moments following the rant we did feel better, but just like the temporary relief felt when broke and a forgotten twenty turns up in the pocket of pants worn last week, it fades as soon as we shift from the gratitude of finding the twenty to “it’s only a twenty” thinking. Often I have had a student say they felt better after “getting something off their chest” but unless a definite course of action to address the problem or situation is entered into (i.e. prayer, meditation and service), all that was really accomplished was “letting off a little steam” which is fine in the short run but does nothing to address the continuing source of the heat.
When we abstain from negative thinking and talk, from feeding the inner beast of self-pity and self-centered fear, instead turning our thoughts and heart to a Power Greater Than Ourselves that has all knowledge and power, the only real barrier to morbid reflection, we save ourselves from needless mental and spiritual wear and tear. So, how are you doing? It really is another beautiful day in paradise.
Secondly, and most importantly, when talking about the difficulties and challenges in life there needs to be a very good reason for the conversation, otherwise we may place ourselves in danger of stoking the fires of resentment, opening the doors of condemnation, looking for others to co-sign whatever were peddling, trying to feel better at the expense of others, reveling in morbid reflection. The concept that “talking” about something troubling us will make us feel better is only a half truth. It only has lasting value if the purpose of the conversation is to explore solutions, not to merely rant. We have all ranted at times in our lives, what happened? In the moments following the rant we did feel better, but just like the temporary relief felt when broke and a forgotten twenty turns up in the pocket of pants worn last week, it fades as soon as we shift from the gratitude of finding the twenty to “it’s only a twenty” thinking. Often I have had a student say they felt better after “getting something off their chest” but unless a definite course of action to address the problem or situation is entered into (i.e. prayer, meditation and service), all that was really accomplished was “letting off a little steam” which is fine in the short run but does nothing to address the continuing source of the heat.
When we abstain from negative thinking and talk, from feeding the inner beast of self-pity and self-centered fear, instead turning our thoughts and heart to a Power Greater Than Ourselves that has all knowledge and power, the only real barrier to morbid reflection, we save ourselves from needless mental and spiritual wear and tear. So, how are you doing? It really is another beautiful day in paradise.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
The spiritual vs. the secular life. Secular: success is measured by possessions, popularity, good looks, living the “good” life. Spiritual: success is measured by the peace, poise and serenity demonstrated when difficulties arrive, a state achieved by understanding the true nature of being, realizing that appearances are illusionary. Health: secular it is about looking and feeling good at any price, taking and doing whatever to achieve this. Spiritual health is not about the body. Awake to the truth that this flesh is merely a vehicle, a conveyance for a time. This does not mean that we misuse it or ignore its care, but we are clear that we are not our body since all flesh fails, that we truly are a spark of the divine, eternal, existing before this flesh was conceived and existing beyond its return to the dust and ash from which it came. Secular: the opinions of others have power and color our choices and decisions. Spiritually: when we are right with God, all other relationships can and will fall into place.
As we transition from living on the secular basis to Living on the Spiritual Basis our whole attitude about life and living changes. “That feeling of uselessness and self-pity will disappear. We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows.” “What used to be the hunch or the occasional inspiration becomes a working part of the mind.” Spiritual or secular, peace or tumult, the choice is ours. “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Living on the Spiritual Basis we are no longer of this world, but we are in it; life simplified for: “we have ceased fighting anything or anyone.” “We had a new Employer. Being all powerful, He provided what we needed, if we kept close to Him and performed His work well.”
As we transition from living on the secular basis to Living on the Spiritual Basis our whole attitude about life and living changes. “That feeling of uselessness and self-pity will disappear. We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows.” “What used to be the hunch or the occasional inspiration becomes a working part of the mind.” Spiritual or secular, peace or tumult, the choice is ours. “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Living on the Spiritual Basis we are no longer of this world, but we are in it; life simplified for: “we have ceased fighting anything or anyone.” “We had a new Employer. Being all powerful, He provided what we needed, if we kept close to Him and performed His work well.”
Friday, May 21, 2010
“He wants to enjoy a certain reputation, but knows in his heart he doesn’t deserve it” Con artists portray themselves in whatever manner necessary in order to achieve their goal: relieving the mark of their money. Whether it requires appearing down and out or worth millions, a good ole boy or foreign dignitary, sinner or saint, whatever it takes to get over on the unsuspecting victim. The con artist however doesn’t deceive themselves as to who they really are. As soon as the con is done, win or lose, they move on, shedding the portrayal like a pair of dirty socks.
Spiritually, many con themselves unknowingly. Their spiritual lives are approached in much the same manner as the myriad of secular duties in their lives. Then trouble comes. It may be economic, family or health in nature. Being nominal students of the path, they feel abandoned, let down by God. But just as the con artist they had only worn the clothes of a believer, saying the right words at the correct time, doing and acting as a believer should, living under the false belief that by merely acting correctly they were doing the work. They are like the man who stashed away the seed for a great harvest but never planted the crop.
Faith without works is dead, and work without faith is just work. We all reap as we sow and in the garden of our spiritual lives, for in truth there is no other, our crop must be planted with care and interest, watered with love and service, the weeds of discontent and fear removed as soon as we become aware of them. So, we pray with a feather, gently, considering our words, remember this is our time with God. When in a religious or spiritual setting we stay in the moment, leaving the world and its clamoring for our attention at the door, speaking to God in our consciousness, the “Secret” place of our heart, asking what He would have us see or learn on this occasion, remembering that often it is not about us, but how we can be of service, and if we are daydreaming or thinking of other things we may miss a wonderful opportunity.
You “…cannot transmit something you haven’t got.” So we quietly tend our garden in earnest, reaping peace and true purpose, being present for God in the moment, for it is only in this moment that we can be present for God, our lives, in truth, a series of moments strung together in faith.
Spiritually, many con themselves unknowingly. Their spiritual lives are approached in much the same manner as the myriad of secular duties in their lives. Then trouble comes. It may be economic, family or health in nature. Being nominal students of the path, they feel abandoned, let down by God. But just as the con artist they had only worn the clothes of a believer, saying the right words at the correct time, doing and acting as a believer should, living under the false belief that by merely acting correctly they were doing the work. They are like the man who stashed away the seed for a great harvest but never planted the crop.
Faith without works is dead, and work without faith is just work. We all reap as we sow and in the garden of our spiritual lives, for in truth there is no other, our crop must be planted with care and interest, watered with love and service, the weeds of discontent and fear removed as soon as we become aware of them. So, we pray with a feather, gently, considering our words, remember this is our time with God. When in a religious or spiritual setting we stay in the moment, leaving the world and its clamoring for our attention at the door, speaking to God in our consciousness, the “Secret” place of our heart, asking what He would have us see or learn on this occasion, remembering that often it is not about us, but how we can be of service, and if we are daydreaming or thinking of other things we may miss a wonderful opportunity.
You “…cannot transmit something you haven’t got.” So we quietly tend our garden in earnest, reaping peace and true purpose, being present for God in the moment, for it is only in this moment that we can be present for God, our lives, in truth, a series of moments strung together in faith.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
“The most important decision you will ever make is whether you live in a friendly or hostile universe” Einstein. “Driven by a hundred forms of fear, self-delusion, self-seeking, and self-pity, we step on the toes of our fellows and they retaliate.” Consider a flowchart. At the top is a box connected to a descending cascade of boxes. The flowchart of being has two boxes at the top, fear and love, everything flows from these. In answering Einstein’s question we decide which box holds sway in our life. A hostile universe is dominated by fear and we react accordingly. The same is true of a friendly universe where love dominates. In a hostile universe we are always at odds with the world about us, focusing our time and attention watching our back, doing onto others before than can do onto us, believing that if we don’t do it, it won’t get done or done right, trusting in nothing but our finite selves, where God is a pitiless task master, treating us in much the same way a cruel child with a magnifying glass treats an ant pile, this existence chaotic, baffling and painful, the moments of peace and joy only there to exacerbate the pain.
Conversely in a friendly universe the problems and difficulties that come into our lives are opportunities to demonstrate God’s omnipotence and love. Nothing can truly touch us but the hand of God, all pain and suffering signposts, touchstones of spiritual growth, where we decide the path to follow. In a friendly universe we know we are not of this body, in truth we are spiritual entities experiencing the human condition, not human beings in search of spirituality, for everything is spiritual, all connected. In a friendly universe, Living on the Spiritual Basis places us in the position: “…to comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace” and “Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change. Fear of people and economic insecurity will leave us. We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us. We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves.”
Friendly or hostile? The choice is ours, and if we find ourselves in a hostile universe, we can leave at anytime, for in a friendly universe "the Realm of the Spirit is broad, roomy, all inclusive; never exclusive or forbidding to those who earnestly seek. It is open, we believe to all..."
Conversely in a friendly universe the problems and difficulties that come into our lives are opportunities to demonstrate God’s omnipotence and love. Nothing can truly touch us but the hand of God, all pain and suffering signposts, touchstones of spiritual growth, where we decide the path to follow. In a friendly universe we know we are not of this body, in truth we are spiritual entities experiencing the human condition, not human beings in search of spirituality, for everything is spiritual, all connected. In a friendly universe, Living on the Spiritual Basis places us in the position: “…to comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace” and “Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change. Fear of people and economic insecurity will leave us. We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us. We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves.”
Friendly or hostile? The choice is ours, and if we find ourselves in a hostile universe, we can leave at anytime, for in a friendly universe "the Realm of the Spirit is broad, roomy, all inclusive; never exclusive or forbidding to those who earnestly seek. It is open, we believe to all..."
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
There are many laws, secular and spiritual. Man’s laws fill untold volumes and are constantly being amended, added to, ignored and broken. But what of God’s “laws”; The Law of Retribution, the Law of Unintended Consequence, Reaping and Sowing and others? What sets these laws apart from man’s laws is they are totally impersonal in application, like the law of gravity. Rich or poor, famous or infamous, it makes no difference; if we fall we will continue falling until something breaks our fall. Whether it is 1 foot or ten thousand, it happens every single time, Hitler or Mother Teresa, the law of gravity plays no favorites, cannot be bribed or ignored. And just as gravity, no appeal ever suspends God’s laws, for if it could, than we would live in a chaos, not a universe.
The Law of Opportunity is one of these laws. Living on the Spiritual Basis we now understand this life is but a moment in eternity, we existed before this flesh was conceived, and will exist beyond its return to the dust and ashes from whence it came. Our job, our only real job in this life is to learn and grow in effectiveness, so when a difficulty surfaces, an opportunity for demonstration, we choose the course of action. Living on the Spiritual Basis, in touch with source, we treat these occasions with prayer and meditation, knowing there is something to be learned that will improve and ultimately clarify our connection with God. By demonstrating over the problem by reliance on source, we demonstrate to others, by our actions, the truth of spiritual living.
Theory is fine in the classroom, but demonstration is the measure, the attraction. The Law of Opportunity is one of God’s ways of providing us choice, to grow in understanding and expression, for we have free will. So what is our choice to be when opportunity knocks, reliance on the infinite, God, or the finite, ourselves? Choose wisely, I’ll get the door.
The Law of Opportunity is one of these laws. Living on the Spiritual Basis we now understand this life is but a moment in eternity, we existed before this flesh was conceived, and will exist beyond its return to the dust and ashes from whence it came. Our job, our only real job in this life is to learn and grow in effectiveness, so when a difficulty surfaces, an opportunity for demonstration, we choose the course of action. Living on the Spiritual Basis, in touch with source, we treat these occasions with prayer and meditation, knowing there is something to be learned that will improve and ultimately clarify our connection with God. By demonstrating over the problem by reliance on source, we demonstrate to others, by our actions, the truth of spiritual living.
Theory is fine in the classroom, but demonstration is the measure, the attraction. The Law of Opportunity is one of God’s ways of providing us choice, to grow in understanding and expression, for we have free will. So what is our choice to be when opportunity knocks, reliance on the infinite, God, or the finite, ourselves? Choose wisely, I’ll get the door.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Einstein remarked, “The most important decision you will ever make is whether you live in a friendly or hostile universe.” Spiritually, if we live in a hostile universe, then no matter what we do, there really isn‘t any hope for us. The hostile universe is dominated by a “score keeper” God, holding that we are full of sin, so all we can do is the best we can, knowing that when this flesh fails the piper will be paid. Forgive the language but this lacks something without it: “Life is just one big shit sandwich, believing in God just means you get fries with it” pretty much sums up the hostile universe point of view.
But what of the friendly universe? When the Carpenter delivered the Sermon On The Mount, he summed up our relationship with God simply with the words “Our Father.” The friendly universe then builds on a basic criterion: we are all connected, equal in His eyes regardless of circumstance or station, “the realm of Heaven roomy, all inclusive, never exclusive or forbidding; open to all who earnestly seek.”
We have all been touched by sin, however in the friendly universe we Live on the Spiritual Basis, knowing in our heart of hearts, that we are forgiven as soon as we ask. The key being that we truly wish to change and grow spiritually, so past transgressions no longer bedevil us or are repeated. Forgiveness is meaningless however if it is only sought as a means to avoid trouble. For forgiveness to be operative we must desire to change with all our heart, finally realizing that though willing, the flesh is weak, we must have help and that help comes from “Our Father.”
Now, if we had to wait to be “pure” to become worthy of God’s love none of us would make the cut. To be clear: we are worthy right here right now; all that is required is a wholehearted commitment to seek a relationship with God. How is this done? Through prayer, service and meditation coupled with willingness and an open mind. When approached this way the path of our enlightenment naturally unfolds before us, but we must continue in the work. Visualize it this way: It is you and God in a rowboat and God don’t row. His hand is on the tiller and we row with our back to the direction traveled, our eyes fixed on Him, lest we become fearful and try to steer the boat by pulling a little harder on one oar or the other, resisting God’s guidance. If we ultimately lose faith and grab the tiller He will not fight us, but He will not row. Lacking our demonstration, our rowing, our little boat is left to the mercy of contrary currents and swirling eddies of self-centered fear, ultimately directionless even though our hand is on the tiller. The good news is as soon as we retake our seat and pick up the oars, He will resume the tiller and though we may be fearful and trembling, we grow by once again demonstrating trust in the infinite, rather than our finite selves. Oh, and He brings much better sandwiches.
But what of the friendly universe? When the Carpenter delivered the Sermon On The Mount, he summed up our relationship with God simply with the words “Our Father.” The friendly universe then builds on a basic criterion: we are all connected, equal in His eyes regardless of circumstance or station, “the realm of Heaven roomy, all inclusive, never exclusive or forbidding; open to all who earnestly seek.”
We have all been touched by sin, however in the friendly universe we Live on the Spiritual Basis, knowing in our heart of hearts, that we are forgiven as soon as we ask. The key being that we truly wish to change and grow spiritually, so past transgressions no longer bedevil us or are repeated. Forgiveness is meaningless however if it is only sought as a means to avoid trouble. For forgiveness to be operative we must desire to change with all our heart, finally realizing that though willing, the flesh is weak, we must have help and that help comes from “Our Father.”
Now, if we had to wait to be “pure” to become worthy of God’s love none of us would make the cut. To be clear: we are worthy right here right now; all that is required is a wholehearted commitment to seek a relationship with God. How is this done? Through prayer, service and meditation coupled with willingness and an open mind. When approached this way the path of our enlightenment naturally unfolds before us, but we must continue in the work. Visualize it this way: It is you and God in a rowboat and God don’t row. His hand is on the tiller and we row with our back to the direction traveled, our eyes fixed on Him, lest we become fearful and try to steer the boat by pulling a little harder on one oar or the other, resisting God’s guidance. If we ultimately lose faith and grab the tiller He will not fight us, but He will not row. Lacking our demonstration, our rowing, our little boat is left to the mercy of contrary currents and swirling eddies of self-centered fear, ultimately directionless even though our hand is on the tiller. The good news is as soon as we retake our seat and pick up the oars, He will resume the tiller and though we may be fearful and trembling, we grow by once again demonstrating trust in the infinite, rather than our finite selves. Oh, and He brings much better sandwiches.
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