When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


MIRACLE n. 1. An act or event that seems to transcend or contradict all known natural or scientific laws and is usually thought to be supernatural in origin. 2. Any wonderful or amazing thing, fact, or event; a wonder.

          God does not break cosmic law. The laws of retribution, of unintended consequence, of reaping and sowing, of attraction, of intention, of gravity, and like begets like are never broken or contradicted. Our limited (human) ability to comprehend may leave us with the impression that miracles seemingly break these laws, but this is false. What happens is that by raising ones consciousness a higher law is tapped, transcending the lower. In the secular sense think of it as appealing a judgment from a lower court to a higher, if a judgment is reversed, the reversal is based on some missed, overlooked or ignored precedent, not a rewriting of the code (at least that is how it is supposed to work).  Secular appeals progress through the system, ultimately arriving at the court of final appeal, the Supreme Court. Supreme Court decisions, since it is populated with humans who can be and often are contradictory in their actions and thinking, can be arbitrary in interpreting secular law, God is not. Cosmic law is applied equally, for God does not, cannot play favorites, His Love abundant and equally weighed to all His children.

        Not long ago, the accepted orthodoxy was that the earth was flat, the center of the universe and anyone who disagreed branded a heretic, suffering greatly for voicing a dissenting view. Curious isn’t how we continue to believe that we have the answers, the laws of the universe understood, our hubris on display. Years from now our future selves will look back on this time in much the same way we look back on those who once held the earth was flat, with the same incredulity.

       Without miracles, our appeal to higher law, how could there be faith? By the performing of miracles, we demonstrate a level of our Fathers love and law, that here to fore had not been known. Miracles can, have and do happen, a higher law beyond our limited understanding accessed, all that is required is to raise ones consciousness. Don’t think so? How’s that whole flat earth thing working out?

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